A car accident could leave a person in a traumatic state even if he were not injured from the accident. However, if emotional distress is impacted due to another person’s negligence, it can be compensated by law in some states. 

Additionally, seeking an insurance claim might require an attorney’s help because only he can legally instruct and provide guidance on going further with the insurance claim since a victim might be unclear about legal terms and conditions. 

A personal injury lawyer in winchester va should be contacted immediately after being in an accident so that the attorney will start to investigate and build a solid defense to get a lump sum claim.

Things to ask an attorney regarding an insurance claim:

  • What law are you specializing in?

You should seek an attorney specializing in a specific field of law. For example, you might not go to a dentist if you suffer from a leg injury. Similarly, although all attorneys help build a defense and claim compensation, hiring specialized lawyers is recommended. Hence, you must ensure that you hire the right attorney by asking them.

  • Will other people work on the claim?

Usually, in some cases, an attorney might tell his junior or some manager to take care of a few legal procedures in a case. Hence, you have to clarify with the hired attorney if he is the one who will be representing you at the court or if other attorneys will be involved in the case. Although this does not impact the case, it is essential to know who gets the claim for you.

  • Can he provide references from his past clients?

Even if you catch the right attorney specializing in the field you seek compensation for; he should have prior experience dealing with similar cases. Hence, you have the right to ask him about his work experience with the other clients. You can also request references for similar cases that he has handled previously. 

  • How long will it take to resolve the case?

Although an attorney cannot give an accurate time frame about the case, he can estimate how long it can take to resolve the case since dealing with a case involves investigation, frequent trial visits, and other factors are considered that may delay the claim.

Therefore, asking the right questions before hiring an attorney is crucial.