Discrimination under any circumstances is intolerable and is punishable by law. For instance, an employer cannot discriminate against his employees based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, or ancestry. 

Although there is an exception like hiring a candidate with accurate eyesight is essential for a pilot posting, it cannot be considered as discrimination. Suppose you are facing discrimination or severely discriminated against at a workplace, it is essential to contact a Morristown employment attorney who can offer help with legal advice on protecting your rights.

Even discrimination against your marital status, pregnancy, and gender reassignment at a workplace can be reported. A workplace is a place where you should feel welcomed and not a place involving bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

Steps to take if you are discriminated against at a workplace:

If you notice any signs of discrimination based on your religion, gender, race, or other factors, report it to your office’s HR department. Even after reporting the incident to the HR department, there is no proper action; it is time to take legal action. 

The following are some of the crucial steps to take if you are discriminated against at a workplace. 

  • Eliminate emotional feelings: 

Although discrimination may get personal and might impact a person’s emotions, it should stand as a block while taking the issue further. Hence, the employee who got discriminated against is advised to build a strong gut.

  • Collect evidence: 

A record of all the details that occurred during the discrimination must be detailed in a note because you need some evidence supporting your statements. You can also include all the eyewitness names, the place, and when it had happened.

  • Maintain confidentiality: 

It is essential to ensure the complaint is not openly transparent to the other employees. Therefore, discussions with the respective employees who are witnesses to the discrimination should be in private. 

  • Register a complaint: 

Once you have gathered relevant evidence and have eyewitnesses supporting the evidence, you are ready to file a formal complaint about the discrimination. You might require a professional attorney who can help with further steps.

  • Seek an attorney’s help: 

As a follow-up, the attorney will ensure that you are protected at all costs, even if the result of the case impacts you.  

Although if you feel that you do not need to involve the court in your discrimination, you can still reach out to the company’s management and let them know about your employer’s behavior and his act of discrimination. If it does not work, get in touch with an attorney who can guide you.