The workers’ compensation law in Virginia entitles injured workers to compensation as long as their injuries are sustained while performing work-related tasks. Also, they can get benefits when they sustain work-related illnesses or diseases like carpal tunnel syndrome because of the nature of their work. To get benefits, they must file a claim through the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission. If you suffered from a job-related injury like carpal tunnel syndrome, you can get legal advice from a workers’ comp attorney. 

What to Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

This medical condition causes symptoms such as numbness and pain in the hand, wrist area, or arm because of excessive pressure on the median nerve. Its symptoms include numbness, arm tingling, hand tingling, weakness, chronic pain, burning sensation, and paresthesia. Because of these symptoms, it can become hard for an employee to properly carry out their daily activities due to the difficulty in gripping or holding objects. This condition is common for employees who perform repetitive movements like data entry workers, construction workers, truckers, and butchers. 

Proving Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Work-Related

Carpal tunnel syndrome is considered a common life disease. Thus, if you are pursuing compensation for this condition, you have a higher burden of proof. You must prove that your condition is job-related by giving compelling evidence. 

This can be done by giving testimony that your work is the main cause of your carpal tunnel syndrome. The testimony must include the duration of your work and the tasks you must perform that require the use of your hands frequently and constantly. Also, you have to demonstrate that the activities you do at home require only minimal use of your hands. Your treating doctor must also give a report that states your employment causes your condition, not other activities. 

Possible Claims Settlement for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Your employer or their insurance provider will give a settlement that covers medical care such as surgery, wrist braces and other equipment, and rehab services. Other benefits you can get include temporary disability benefits such as lost wages. If your doctor determines that you won’t recover and when your condition has seriously impacted future earning capacity, you may get permanent disability benefits. Retraining benefits and job replacement benefits might also be available to you if you cannot return to work. 

If you are facing challenges when trying to claim workers’ comp benefits for carpal tunnel syndrome, get in touch with an attorney to help you get what you deserve. A skilled attorney will strengthen your case and collect evidence to prove your condition is work-related.