First, decide whether this is a one-time event or a yearly reunion. If the former, plan for more time than a yearly reunion. Remember that activities for a 25-year reunion will be different than those for a yearly reunion. Determine the number of people who will be attending. Identify a date range and determine how many people are expected to attend the event.

Once you’ve determined the date and time, start collecting information about your reunion. The main purpose of this is to make your guests feel welcome. It’s also important to gather RSVPs from attendees. To ensure that everyone can attend, get a list of the participants.

For a family reunion, you should contact family members and volunteers to gather the details. Once you have this list, contact catering services and restaurants to make arrangements for catering. You might even consider BBQ catering if it’s an outdoor event.

The next step is to advertise the reunion. There are many ways to advertise your event. You can use social media sites like Facebook, email lists from high schools, or a website. Post details about the reunion, date, time, venue, and contact information. This will help people remember the date and the time of the event. It’s also a good idea to make a physical invitation so that class members don’t miss it.

Keep Track of Everything

Ensure that everyone knows what is going to happen. This is a great way to keep track of everyone’s RSVPs. You can even use an online system that tracks RSVPs. After determining the date, you can begin to plan for the food service. Lastly, make sure that the attendees know the location of the reunion. After all, if they don’t know where to go, they will likely not be able to find it.

To plan a reunion, start with a discussion of what you want to do. You can invite people who have been planning a reunion for years. For instance, a recent classmate may have moved to a new city, which means the reunion is happening for the first time in their lifetime. While this may seem like a small step, you can’t do it alone. You need to ask your friends and family for recommendations and suggestions.


Planning a reunion shouldn’t be that difficult as long as you have a structured plan. If it is planned correctly, it should go ahead without any hitch. You can meet up with old friends, share life experiences, and generally have a great time thanks to your planning.