An uncontested divorce is when the spouses have reached an agreement regarding all the divorce-related issues. However, it may turn into a contested divorce if the spouses have a dispute over one of the significant issues such as distribution of assets, alimony, child support, and child visitation. 

A contested divorce can be complex, and you must have the aid of a successful Divorce lawyer in Houston to ensure that the case ends with a favorable outcome for you. 

What are the common reasons that lead to disputes?

  • Division of property. 

Couples may possess several assets, debts, and liabilities and are unsure how to distribute them fairly. Both may think they are entitled to a particular asset or have an emotional attachment to it and are unwilling to let the other gain ownership of it. Each spouse is only concerned about securing their financial future and does not understand the other’s situation, leading to a lack of cooperation and compromise. 

  • Spousal maintenance. 

Spousal support is a specific sum paid to a spouse by the other for a certain period to maintain their standard of living after a divorce. However, there may be disagreement while determining the right amount of alimony and how long it will be paid. The spouse that needs maintenance may have concerns about being unable to adjust without it, while the other may be worried about being unable to provide for themselves to pay the sum. 

  • Child-related issues. 

Couples with children often face trouble reaching a decision regarding child custody and child support. Child custody can be physical or legal. Physical custody determines where the child resides for the majority of their time, while legal custody is the parent’s right to make decisions pertinent to the raising and welfare of the child. One parent is responsible for child support payment to the other for providing financial support to their child. The parents may be unable to resolve their differences. 

What can you do if you and your spouse have disputes over these issues?

  • Mediation. 

Mediation is a peaceful, less expensive, and time-effective alternative to a court procedure. The couple has a voluntary discussion in the presence of a neutral mediator regarding the issues on which their stances differ to reach a solution from which they can mutually benefit. 

  • Negotiations. 

The lawyers of each spouse are aware of their client’s needs and engage in tactful negotiation to reach an agreement on which both spouses can agree. 

  • Litigation. 

In some cases, a court procedure is inevitable. A court trial is carried out, and the judge decides on the unresolved issues between the couple after carefully assessing each side’s case. 

A divorce lawyer has helped several clients in a similar situation to yours to reach a successful outcome after their divorce. They review your case and enable you to choose the right legal option for your future.