Dentistry serves as a cornerstone of medical care, playing a vital role in maintaining and improving oral health, which has a significant impact on overall well-being. Every aspect of the oral cavity, including teeth, gums, and underlying jawbone, contributes to its health and functionality. Gums, particularly, provide essential support and structure for teeth, ensuring oral health and longevity. Periodontics, a specialized field, focuses on preserving gum health and optimizing oral function.

The family dentist in Valley Village, CA, along with their team of dental professionals, receives specialized training in periodontics to ensure the protection of gum integrity. Explore the critical role of periodontics in enhancing oral health further.

A comprehensive  guide to periodontics

Periodontics is one of the major branches of dentistry that helps protect the gums and underlying jawbone and prevent oral diseases or aids in early disease detection to determine the appropriate treatment required.

Periodontists are specialized dentists who diagnose and treat diseases related to the gums, and jawbone. 

Periodontics focuses on:

Managing gum disease

  • Gum disease is a progressive destruction of the periodontium due to chronic inflammation that may progress deeper into the jawbone if not detected and treated on time. 
  • Periodontists offer professional dental cleanings, antibiotic therapy, and surgical procedures like gum grafting to control disease progression.

Treating gum recession

  • Gum recession is a dental condition that occurs when your gums recede (pull away) from the tooth surface, exposing the roots and compromising the tooth attachment. 
  • Dentists perform gum grafting procedures to attach tissues in deficient areas and restore gum health. 
  • This is especially beneficial when you suffer from a toothy smile.

Placing dental implants 

  • Dental implants are artificial tooth roots inserted into the jawbone to support teeth replacements like crowns or dentures. 
  • Periodontists help assess your candidacy for implants by assessing your gum and bone health. 

Bone regeneration

  • Periodontists perform bone grafting procedures to regenerate bone in deficient areas. It offers a stable foundation for dental implants. 

Crown lengthening 

  • Crown lengthening procedures help expose more of the tooth structure above the gumline.
  • This may be necessary to facilitate restorative treatments, such as dental crowns or fillings, or to improve the aesthetics of a “gummy” smile.

Periodontics is essential for preserving the health and stability of teeth and their supporting structures. Working in tandem with general dentists, periodontists deliver customized and compassionate care to address specific oral needs. Regular periodontal evaluations and treatments are imperative to maintain oral health and prevent complications arising from untreated gum disease.