What Is a Workers’ Comp Deposition? 

If you file a claim for workers’ compensation payments, your insurer may request that you take a deposition. A conference in which a party or other witness answers questions under oath is called a deposition. Even though you will most likely be treated properly and kindly during a deposition, you should prepare thoroughly….

Benefits of Using Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor furniture is a great way to add some style and comfort to your patio or garden. It’s also a great way to keep your outdoor area looking clean and tidy. Some of the benefits of using outdoor furniture include: It helps you stay cool in the summertime. It provides shade during hot…

Top 4 Benefits of Non-Competes or Non-Solicitation Agreements

A non-competitive agreement is an agreement between an employer and an employee that restricts the employee’s ability to compete with the employer in a certain area for a certain period of time after employment has been terminated or ended. You can seek the help of Charlotte non-competition lawyers if you have a non-compete…

Workplace Sexual Harassment: What Victims Can Do

Workplace harassment is unlawful. It’s a discriminatory practice that creates a hostile work environment. Usually, it targets workers according to their characteristics such as race, age, sexual orientation, religion, color, gender, or disability. If you are a victim of workplace sexual harassment, you may want to pursue legal action against your harasser. You…